Thursday, November 4, 2010

ephem's cheesecake

want to try a simple, no-bake cheesecake? try this! my friend taught me this and can't wait to do this tomorrow evening! :) will post pic soon!

for the crust: oreo cookies w/out filling, butter (1/2 stick)+ sugar to taste

for the filling: oreo filling+1/2 bar cream cheese+ 1 pack nestle cream+ some oreo cookies


12/01/10: i've already tried this and would comment that this recipe might work perfectly if you have the proper mixing tools. i only had my hands to mix the filling ingredients and it didn't come out right much. it tasted more like the cream than the cream cheese and the only way i was able to eat all of it (not at one sitting though) was to add a lot of blueberry jam on top of it. if you want to try this recipe but doesn't have the mixer, then i suggest that you use the following for the filling (i had no problem with the crust):

oreo filling + 1 bar cream cheese + 1/2 pack nestle cream + oreo cookies, chipped

happy eating!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

mango float in pictures

just had to post these pictures! :)

1. Place graham crackers for base of the cake.


3. Also prepare for the condensed milk/cream mixture (1:1 is okay). Place on top of the mango bits.

4. Place another layer of crackers.

5. On the last layer, top it with graham crushed crackers.

6. Final product. Refrigerate before serving.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

potato salad


baby potatoes
optional: cheese
optional: chicken strips

Boil baby potatoes. Peel. Place potatoes in a container, add mayonnaise and sugar (estimate how much mayonnaise you'd like to put in). Add cheese. If you add chicken strips, this becomes a chicken potato salad! :) Be sure to boil the chicken first.

tuna salsa

went to an officemate's housewarming party a few weeks ago and i very much liked his tuna salsa. here is his recipe:

For the mix:

1. Chop the following and mix ---

chili (for pinoys, it's the one we use for sinigang)

2. Add calamansi juice (about 3 pcs,or 1 lemon)

3. Add pepper to taste

For the sauce:

1. Saute garlic in olive oil

2. Add tuna (preferably the spicy one)

3. Add spaghetti sauce (or tomato sauce)

4. Add soy sauce and pepper to taste

5. Optional: Add basil leaves

Most preferably, separate the mix and sauce before serving as to prevent spoiling of the whole thing. The mix contains tomato which easily spoils.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

mango float

when i was a kid, a friend's mom made a refrigerator cake. it was so good! when my mom had a taste of it, she pestered me into asking this friend's mom how to do the cake. it was relatively easy so mama made a big deal out of it, making it almost every time we finished the one she made. eventually, she added a twist and instead of putting in a cracker for the cake, she substituted it with a chiffon cake. in the long run, she gained weight (and i guess, all of us in the house did!) and decided to stop making it...

now that we've grown up, she decided to make it again but now, she replaced it with crackers again. with the philippine's abundance in very good mangoes, the making of this cake is an easy task. to make my mom's simple mango float cake, here's what you should do:


ripe sweet mangoes
1 condensed milk
1 cream
graham crackers
graham crushed

mix the condensed milk and cream (1:1 proportion is enough). in a container, put the first layer of graham crackers, then a layer of sweet mangoes, then pour just enough of the mixture. then add the next layer starting with the crackers again, mangoes and mixture. depending on how many layers you want, you can add another one but two is enough. on top of the last layer, pour in the crushed graham as topping. refrigerate and serve chilled.

isn't it easy? :)