so last holy week, i decided to make two filipino desserts: palitaw and tsikalang, or what is known in manila as pilipit.
palitaw in tagalog means 'to float.' this way of cooking is simply that, letting the rice dough float in boiling water. when it floats, it means that it is already cooked and ready to be served.
1/4 cup baking flour
3/4 cup gelatinous rice flour
mix ingredients until it forms a dough. shape into flat circles then drop in boiling water. wait for it to float then scoop it out.
for the "garnishing"
grated coconut and sugar
put in hot pan the grated coconut and sugar. mix well until color of mixture is light brown. serve mixed or separate from the palitaw.
tsikalang as we call it in zamboanga is also known in manila as pilipit. although of different shapes, they have the same style of cooking.
remember thought that the sugar mixture must not be too thick so that when it is coated onto the bread, it will not dry thickly on the bread when cold.