Monday, March 28, 2011

lemon squares

was craving for lemon squares last friday and decided to make one of my own. since i don't have an oven, i looked over the internet for some non-bake recipes and this is the simpliest that i've found. i actually tweaked the recipe a bit because i don't know what one of the ingredients were, and the other i found to be too much so i adjusted something else. finally, it all came out good and i'm happy about it... :)

1/2 cup butter (although 3/4 of the 1/2 is enough because when you look at the melted butter at the pan, it seems to be too much)
1/2 cup condensed milk
1 1/2 lemon -- juiced
1-2 tsp lemon zest
1 1/2 cup crushed broas (or tea biscuit as the original recipe indicates)

melt the butter in medium heat then add condensed milk, lemon juice and lemon zest. after mixing well, add the crushed broas (or tea biscuit). again, mix well. this will only take a few minutes, just as long as when the wet mixture is incorporated with the dry ingredient. take the mixture off the pan and place in a pan or container. let it sit for a while (or refrigerate it) before serving.


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