Thursday, April 29, 2010

mango float

when i was a kid, a friend's mom made a refrigerator cake. it was so good! when my mom had a taste of it, she pestered me into asking this friend's mom how to do the cake. it was relatively easy so mama made a big deal out of it, making it almost every time we finished the one she made. eventually, she added a twist and instead of putting in a cracker for the cake, she substituted it with a chiffon cake. in the long run, she gained weight (and i guess, all of us in the house did!) and decided to stop making it...

now that we've grown up, she decided to make it again but now, she replaced it with crackers again. with the philippine's abundance in very good mangoes, the making of this cake is an easy task. to make my mom's simple mango float cake, here's what you should do:


ripe sweet mangoes
1 condensed milk
1 cream
graham crackers
graham crushed

mix the condensed milk and cream (1:1 proportion is enough). in a container, put the first layer of graham crackers, then a layer of sweet mangoes, then pour just enough of the mixture. then add the next layer starting with the crackers again, mangoes and mixture. depending on how many layers you want, you can add another one but two is enough. on top of the last layer, pour in the crushed graham as topping. refrigerate and serve chilled.

isn't it easy? :)

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